Disinfection and Sanitization

Arabian Pest Control stands as an ISO-certified entity, approved by the Dubai Municipality, delivering cutting-edge sanitization services. Specializing in disinfection, we safeguard you from insidious germs and bacteria through our environmentally conscious disinfection procedures. Our team comprises adept and rigorously trained technicians dedicated to fortifying the hygiene of your residential or corporate surroundings.

Residential Pest Control

In the realm of residential sanctuaries, the menace of pests poses a substantial threat to one’s abode, familial well-being, and even the reputation of a household. Recognizing this, it becomes imperative to engage the services of adept pest control professionals, ensuring a swift eradication of these unwelcome intruders. Vigilance is paramount when selecting a pest control partner; one should prioritize a company boasting seasoned and licensed experts.

Commercial Pest Control

ARABIAN Pest Control presents a diverse array of pest management services tailored to various commercial enterprises, including retail, hotels, offices, food processing units, schools, hospitals, warehouses, industrial and construction sites, as well as boats and yachts. 

Our adept pest control team comprehends the unique demands of each business, allowing our experts to address individual pest control requirements with optimal solutions.

Termite Control Service

Dealing with pests, whether in residential or commercial spaces, is a common concern. Arabian Pests Control offers expert solutions for pest-related challenges, providing effective pest control services for various industries in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Disinfection and Sanitization

Residential Pest Control

Commercial Pest Control

Termite Control Service